Why You Should Print your Photos! | Durham Region Photographer

Just a couple of week ago, my aunt called me and said she was sending all the cousins pictures from my Grandma and Grandpa’s house. This include photos of us but also photos of my father as a child and even my grandmother’s family. I couldn’t wait to see them. Once they arrived, I had so much fun looking at the photos with my son and telling him all about the people in the photos.

When people ask me why I am a photographer, my number one reason is I want to capture special memories for people. That’s why, when it comes to family photos, I think it is so important for all family members to be in them - that’s you parents! But this is only the first step. With today’s technology, most of our family photos end up being shared on Instagram or facebook and never make it up on the wall or into a photo album. As fun as it is to share your photos online, here are some of the reasons why I believe it is so important to print your photos:

Tangible Memories.

These photos are your families memories. They evoke feelings and joy when looking at them. So yes, you can share them online with family and friends, but if you print your photos, they become tangible memories. Something you can touch and share with each other. I have vivid memories of holding a stack of photos and flipping them one by one, creating scrapbooks or filling albums. The generation deserves these memories too. They will want to hold onto a photo and be transported back to that moment in time in their lives.

Your legacy.

Your photos are your family’s legacy. These photos will something left for future generations. Your family memories are not only important for your children but your future grandchildren and great grandchildren. So as nice as it is having electronic copies - unfortunately, hard drives crash and clouds are locked with passwords. If you don’t print your photos, then you won’t have anything to pass down from family to family - just like my aunt did. I have actually start a picture box, so every time we update photos in the frames around our house, I take the old photos and put them into the box. This way one day, my kids and I can go through it and reminisce.


You have invested in getting beautiful photos of your family - so why not enjoy them? Print them and put them somewhere in your house where you can see them every day. Put up canvas’ on your walls, add prints to family photo albums, or put them in frames in each child’s room. Beautiful art deserves to be enjoyed!

Abbi Longofamily, lifestyle