How to get the most out of a branding mini session!

First things first - try not to stress. I work really fast and I’m confident I can capture a variety of photos in a short period of time. But after doing this for a few years, there are some important tips to help you get the most out of your session. Here they are…

Arrive on time - actually arrive at least 5 minutes early.

This gives you time to get settled, fix your hair or straighten your tie, whatever you need to do to make sure you are ready to start when your name is called. You don’t want to waste time from your sessions to do any of these things.

It also helps reduce the chance of you being flustered. You don’t want that to be reflected in your photos.

Choose what you want to wear ahead of time.

And try it on days before - including your shoes.

You want to make sure what you choose to wear is comfortable, fits properly and reflects your brand.

There usually isn’t time to change outfits completely so I suggest bringing items you can layer. For example, a blazer, sweater, scarf, suit jacket, jewelry and etc. This will give you different looks without having to change your whole outfit. If you are looking for inspiration, Pinterest has an endless supply of great ideas!

Bring props - they are very important.

Props not only help tell your brand story but they give you something to do with your hands. One of the most common questions I get - “What do I do with my hands”.

There are 3 different types of props you can bring:

  • Every day items such as coffee mugs, notepads, computer, and etc.

  • Job related or branded items. Things such as key chains, file folders, business cards, and etc.

  • Personal items. These things should reflect your personality as a fun way for your clients to get to know you better.

If you’re looking for my details on props, check out my blog: what you should bring to your branding photoshoot.

Last but not least, try your best to relax and have fun! It’s not always easy getting in front of the camera but if you can find a way to relax, it will make a big difference in your photos. I will do my best to get you moving, fake laughing and maybe even dancing but it’s up to you let your personality shine through!