Tips for preparing your toddler for a golden hour photoshoot

One of the hardest things when planning family photos with little ones has to do with timing. Golden hour is the hour before sunset and depending on the time of year, this likely is past your toddlers bed time. As a mom of 3, I understand that planning something past your child’s bedtime can be a nightmare. But trust me, photographing during golden hour is worth it. So here are a few tips to help prepare your toddler for golden hour:

The first tip is to push back your child’s nap time.

Okay, pushing back nap time is easier said than done. I get it. But depending on the timing of your session, it’s worth trying. Having your toddler as rested as possible will help them make it through the session comfortably. It will also reduce the chance of them falling asleep in the car on the way to a session. Because we all know how grumpy a toddler who has been woken up can be.

Feed your child(ren) one hour before your family photoshoot.

This one is important because a full toddler, is a happy toddler. Whether you feed them dinner before or a filling snack - it helps if they have a full belly before the session. In addition, I suggest bringing a couple snacks with you (just in case). They should be dry snacks like puffs, fishy or arrowroot cookies. Something that is a fan favourite but doesn’t cause a big mess. Easy to wipe or brush off their face and/or clothes.

Dress them at your photoshoot location.

I can’t tell you how many times I forget this rule myself but it can make a huge difference and reduce some stress. Nothing hurts more than watching your toddler run to the car, trip and get mud all over their photo outfit before you even pull out of the driveway. For that reason, I suggest get them dressed on location. I understand this can be a little difficult.

This involves arriving a little early to the location, might include fixing up their hair or having to bring a couple pairs of shoes. But it’s worth it. Less stress worrying whether or not their will spill on or wrinkle their clothes on the way there.

Arriving early also gives your child time to explore and get used to their new surroundings.

Don’t stress about toys or comfort items.

Here’s the thing, my focus will always be on the connection between your family. I want to capture your love exactly as it is today.

So guess what?

If your toddler decides they want to bring their favourite stuffy or needs to hold onto their toy car. Let them. In the end, it won’t make a difference. Your love and connection can still be captured even if Mr. Bear is there with you. And truthfully, I actually think it adds to the memory!