Why you should book a maternity photoshoot

Let’s be honest, pregnancy is a journey. For some, it’s simple and beautiful but for others it’s hard, scary and involves lots of puking in random places. Nine months can feel like a lifetime when you’re in it but the truth is, it’s less than a year and before you know it, you’re onto the next stage. When you are nearing the end of your pregnancy, the last place you usually want to be is in front of a camera - mostly because none of your clothes fit and you never want to take off your sweats. But here is why I think you should reconsider, change out of your sweats (or not 🤷‍♀️) and capture this time in your life:

The memories.

This one is super simple - capture those memories while you can. Once you get through the dreaded first trimester, you start to experience those moments of them moving and growing inside of you and you’ll appreciate having these memories to look back on. Bringing you right back to the moment you felt the first flutter. Your pregnancy is short but your life with this little baby is just beginning.

Celebrate your journey.

You deserve to celebrate. No matter what your story is - pregnancy is truly a journey and it should be celebrated. You grew a human inside of you! If that isn’t cause for celebration - I don’t know what is. So put on something that makes you feel beautiful and show off that bump.

Last time to capture your family before it changes.

No matter if this baby is your first, third or sixth, this is the last time your family will be as it is in this moment. In a matter of weeks or days, you’ll be welcoming a new family member - it’s beautiful and exciting. So you should take a moment to capture your family now before your new adventure begins. You won’t regret having those memories. Trust me!

Abbi Longofamily, lifestyle