Things to bring to your family photoshoot for your toddler

Here is the thing - as a photographer, I truly don’t stress about your kids behaviour. I want them to comfortable and enjoy the experience as much as possible. But as a mom of three, I understand the stress that comes with planning a photoshoot with a toddler (or 2). If you can do anything to help make the experience a little smoother, you will. So after years of being in front of the camera and behind it, here are some things you can bring to help make a family photoshoot with a toddler a little easier.

Bring dry snack and a water for them to have during the photoshoot.

Let’s be honest, when are toddlers not hungry or thirsty? Nothing is worse than getting somewhere and hearing the dreaded “I’m starving.” That will likely be 5 minutes into your photoshoot. Don’t stress. Bring snacks and water. It never hurts to have them on hand.

The key is to make sure the snacks are dry. This helps keep things clean and easily wipeable. Some of my favourites are goldfish, puffs, cheerios, granola bars (without chocolate - that can be messy) and etc. Try to avoid juices, apple sauce packets, chocolate, non-plain chips - these snacks are convenient and very yummy but they also will likely lead to be mess. Nothing worse than apple sauce spilt done the centre of a fresh shirt. So pack the snacks but be strategic!

Let your toddler bring their favourite toy or stuffy to the photoshoot.

Here’s the scenario, you’ve packed up the car, finished you hair and found some nice shoes that fit everyone’s feet. Then as you are leaving your toddler refuses to let go of their toy, so you bring it in the car. But then they refuse to leave it in the car. My advice? Bring it with you. It’s not worth the fight.

Participating in the photoshoot is a big deal to your toddler, if their toy brings them comfort - that’s okay. It’s not worth the tears that may come with trying to take it away. Let them keep it. Maybe they’ll put it down half way through or we can hide it under an arm or behind a leg. Either way, it will likely make it in a few photos. Embrace it. It will be a memory for years to come. One you’ll likely laugh about when looking back.

Always have a stroller - even if they don’t usually use one.

This one is pretty simple. With most outdoor family photoshoot, it is likely to include some walking. There is a chance your toddler will get tired or at least say they are tired of walking. Having a stroller there can be really helpful. My suggestion is to bring it but not put your child in it unless they ask. In most cases, it’s used for walking back to the car. However, it also helps carry all the extra things I have advised you to bring along with purses, diapers, and etc.

Lastly, bring some back up clothes for your toddler.

As a parent, you will try every which way to keep your kids clean before the photos. Most times - it will work. But the odd time, they will run ahead and trip on rock or climb something with lots of dirt. Whatever the scenario, there is a chance they could get dirty. So to save yourself the stress and possible tears - bring back up clothes.

It can be full outfits (if you want to be super safe) but it’s that’s too much maybe a back up sweater or pair of tights or extra pants. It can stay in the car or the stroller I’ve suggested you bring - doesn’t matter. Having it available is all that does.

Just remember, the toddler stage is busy and messy so likely, your photoshoot will be the same. But that’s okay! Actually, that’s what I prefer. Because my goal is to photograph your family as they are in the moment. It might feel like chaos to you but I promise there is so much love and beauty. Leave that to me to capture. You don’t need to worry!