What to wear for an in-home newborn photoshoot
If you have ever had photos done with me before, then you know my number one what to wear tip, no matter the type of session, is: be comfortable. Photoshoots are meant to be fun. You don’t want to waste time stressing about whether your dress is straight or your son’s shirt will wrinkle if he doesn’t stop jumping. It’s hard to capture your love and connection - if what you’re wearing doesn’t represent that. Now as someone who is most comfortable in sweatpants and t-shirt, I’m not suggesting you wear that (although I wouldn’t care if you wanted to BUT if that is truly your norm - I wouldn’t stray too far, meaning maybe jeans and sweater. When it comes to newborn sessions, here are my tips on what to wear:
Here’s what your baby should wear for your photos.
Newborn sessions are all about your newest addition, so don’t take away from that. For babies, I always suggest a simple white or neutral coloured onesie. If you want to keep them a bit warmer, you can use a plain swaddle blanket or a simple sleeper. Whatever keeps them comfortable. From there, you can add a little bow or hat for some of the photos as well. But when it come to baby, the simpler, the better.
Tips for what mom should wear for newborn photos.
I’ll be honest, getting dressed for newborn photos is one of my least favourite postpartum things. At a week or two in, I usually am wearing pjs or sweats all day with a nursing tank top, which I am constantly changing due to my leaky nipples. Because let’s be serious, nothing else fits at this point. My body just housed a human for nine months - it needs some time.
So Mama’s, don’t stress. Keep it simple.
You want to wear something that makes you feel beautiful and a little bit more like yourself but also, comfortable for where you are at in your postpartum journey. You need to be able to comfortably pick up and cuddle your baby lots. Also, if you are breastfeeding, you may want something a breastfeeding friendly.
And of course, your other family members.
So you have baby and mom all dressed - what about the others? Honestly, it truly doesn’t matter what your family wears but I would do your best to have them in something neutral and comfortable. Avoid bright colours, big logos and busy patterns and if possible, try to stay within a similar colour palette. Again, the main reason is so their clothing does not to take away from the beautiful baby you are celebrating. That’s it.
If you are looking for some inspiration on what to wear for your newborn photoshoot. Check out my portfolio!